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Get high-speed eSignatures with Signaturely
Create a free acount now, and start getting signatures blazing fast.
Or get in touch with us for a done-for-you migration

PandaDoc drags and lags…

From loading to editing to sending to managing… nothing gets done in PandaDoc without a bunch of slight delays that add up to major setbacks.

Signaturely does it in a sprint

We keep it simple. And fast. From doc to signed, every click in Signaturely saves you those precious seconds that win the race.

Choose Signaturely to speed up
your signing workflow

“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.”
Charles F. Kettering
Product Manager at Facebook

The best PandaDoc competitor
PandaDoc wants you to spend more
time working on your docs

It’s right there in their name: PandaDoc. While Signaturely focuses on getting you
signatures fast, PandaDoc is about creating documents. What do YOU care about?
PandaDoc customers:

Must hire developers to get their documents to look right

Lining things up, customising heading/text color, working with images, working with fields are all nightmares. Have an experienced CSS developer if you want to get creative with brand guidelines and palettes.

Verified PandaDoc review on G2.com

PandaDoc customers:

Rely on customer support to create their documents

It would be great if we had an easy way to have control over the customization of the documents without relying on the PandaDoc’s team.

Verified PandaDoc review on G2.com

PandaDoc customers:

Suffer when they need to start a new document sign flow

When it comes to editing an agreement or contract, it becomes a nightmare.

Verified PandaDoc review on G2.com

Customers are slowed down by PandaDoc

Signaturely simplifies signatures

If you already have documents in place, upload them and get them
signed faster. And if you don’t, you can pick one of our professionally
designed templates.

Ready-to-use documents

Worry less about designing documents. Upload what you currently use or pick a template.

Ready-to-send documents

Add your required fields, choose your signers and hit that send button. We take care of everything else.

Signed and ready!

Less docu-hell, more signatures. Sign faster with a simpler eSign process that won’t slow you down.

What our clients say about us

Uncomplicate signing paperwork

Create a Signaturely account and send your first document in minutes.

THE PandaDoc alternative
Cut down your time spent
getting signatures

Signing is as easy as it gets

PandaDoc takes time to load
PandaDoc’s editor feels like loading a full-on word processor each time you need to get to work.
Signaturely opens in a snap
Signaturely loads fast and — more importantly — takes you straight to where you need: getting stuff signed.

Change do-it-yourself for done-for-you

PandaDoc forces you to do the hard work
Placing elements, choosing fonts, and making things look nice is a job on itself. If you are not a designer, this process can take hours.
Signaturely takes design off your hands
Placing elements, choosing fonts, and making things look nice is a job on itself. If you are not a designer, this process can take hours.

Move from being busy to being focused

PandaDoc adds steps to the process
From building content, to design, to setting up properties and connecting apps. There’s a lot you need to take care of before hitting send.
Signaturely removes busywork
With Signaturely you only spend time on tasks that speed up the rate at which you get signatures.
Signaturely is the fastest PandaDoc alternative

For people who can’t afford to spend a lot of time
working on their documents

Upload your own files or use a template — don’t spend time creating documents.
Adding fields and customizing documents is as easy as dragging and dropping.
Create your own templates. Re-use them as many times as you need, for new and recurring customers.
“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.”
Charles F. Kettering
Product Manager at Facebook

PandaDoc Alternative — A head-to-head comparison

Focused on people vs focused on documents

Ideal for
People that need documents signed
Sales and marketing documents
Focuses on
Getting signatures — fast
Creating and managing documents
Focuses on
Upload, send, sign
Create, design, set properties, send, sign
Average time to send a new document
10 minutes or less
30+ minutes

Send documents for signing in less
than 5 minutes

You sign faster, your clients sign faster, everybody saves time.
ready-to-use templates

45+ templates written
by legal experts

We got you covered with 45+ professional, and
ready-to-use templates, so you can start signing
with Signaturely right away!

Templates for your entire
business, not just sales

Create an account and choose your templates.
Done-for-you migration

We’ll help you move out of PandaDoc

More than 20 documents or 3 users in your current PandaDoc account? We’ll take care of the hard work. Our concierge team will set up your Signaturely account and move your current PandaDoc document library. We’ll make the switch quick and painless.
Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions you might be
asking before making the switch

Signaturely’s signatures are as legally binding as signing on paper, only absurdly faster. All around the world, eSignatures are considered perfectly legal. Not only is Signaturely as legal as handwritten signatures, there’s also no legal difference between PandaDoc and Signaturely. Our signatures are 100% legal — read more about them here.
It makes sense that you use PandaDoc for sales proposals, as they are mostly a proposal software. With Signaturely you can send and sign proposals but you can also sign any other kind of documents. Our signatures adhere to 60+ international regulations. From employee contracts, to rental agreements, to photography release form. If it needs a legal signature, you can trust Signaturely to get the job done fast.

Visit our Features page to learn more about how Signaturely automates signing. Not a fan of reading? You can always create a free account and give it a try on your own. Signaturely is free for up to 3 signature requests per month, and will always remain free.

Good question. Find a full breakdown of our plans and prices here. You can use Signaturely’s free plan to request up to 3 signatures per month. If you want to add unlimited templates, team members and custom branding to your documents, our paid plans start at $8/user/month (PRO plan) and $12/user/month (BUSINESS plan). Both paid plans allow for unlimited documents and signatures.

There are many PandaDoc alternatives, but you can start using Signaturely right away. Simply create your free account and upload a document to get started. You’ll be able to upload as many documents as you want. If you are currently using PandaDoc with more than 20 documents or a team of 3 users and more, we can handle the migration for you. Fill in this form to request a done-for-you migration.

There’s no direct import function, but we are currently offering a concierge migration experience over from PandaDoc. Get in touch with us to request yours.
An alternative to PandaDoc — only faster

Why do businesses that prioritize
speed prefer Signaturely?

Being able to quickly create and send documents for signing is crucial.
Sending documents within the same day as a customer requested them, increases your chances of getting a signature by 15%, compared to sending 3 days later or more.
This is valid both for sales proposals as for other legal documents.
No matter how fast you or your teams work, the more steps you add to your signing workflow, the harder it is to speed up the process.
PandaDoc is a sales-oriented document software. This means they put a lot of emphasis on designing very visual contracts and proposals. The problem is that in order to create a visually stunning document you need to be a designer. Otherwise, you’ll be spending a lot of time working on your documents and still end up with pretty standard-looking ones.
Most people expecting your paperwork won’t recognize a good-looking document from a regular one. But they will know if they got it quick or if it took too long.
Signaturely removes unnecessary steps from your signing process. With Signaturely, you can send more documents faster and increase your chances of getting them signed.
If you feel like your signature workflow needs faster legs instead of a prettier face, give Signaturely a try.

Why customers love Signaturely

“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.”
Charles F. Kettering
Product Manager at Facebook

See if you love our speed, too