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Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

We recognize the need for a high-quality, non-disclosure template that can be adapted to help your business protect sensitive data, both internally and externally.

Free Non-Disclosure Agreement Template Document

We recognize the need for a high-quality, non-disclosure template that can be adapted to help your business protect sensitive data, both internally and externally.
That’s why we’ve worked closely with legal experts and proofreaders to develop a simple non-disclosure agreement template (Word and PDF) to give you peace of mind when dealing with confidential information.
Click below to download our free non-disclosure agreement template

What is a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), and why is it important?

Many businesses have highly sensitive information about clients, customers, employees, and other.
Furthermore, companies, big and small, develop proprietary practices that give them a competitive edge in the marketplace. It then becomes the utmost priority to keep these practices a secret, so their ideas don’t get copied or stolen.
One of the largest tech companies in history, Apple, is renowned for using secrecy as a competitive advantage. They keep both customers and employees in the dark about upcoming projects so they can surprise audiences with incredible new product launches.
In an ideal world, humans can be trusted to keep a secret. But as you’ve probably experienced at some point in your life, sometimes even your closest friends and family will spill the beans on your big secret.
Here’s the punchline. People can’t be trusted with confidential information. It’s why iPhone features get leaked to the public before they’re officially released. And that’s where a non-disclosure agreement comes into play.
A non-disclosure agreement, also known as an NDA or a confidentiality agreement, is a contract by which parties involved agree not to disclose information as specified in the contract.

Rather than getting someone to swear or pinky promise that they’ll keep a secret, a non-disclosure agreement binds them to secrecy through a formal document that requires a signature.

The person presenting the NDA is known as the discloser, while the person receiving the NDA is the receiver.

DISCLAIMER: We are not lawyers or a law firm and we do not provide legal, business or tax advice. We recommend you consult a lawyer or other appropriate professional before using any templates or agreements from this website.

Grab a copy of our non-disclosure agreement templates

For many organizations, non-disclosure agreements are used all the time, as they try to keep sensitive information confidential.
We’ve gone ahead and created a confidentiality agreement form that scales as your business grows.
Click below to download our free template

Best practices when using a confidentiality template form

Non-disclosure agreements need to be treated diligently to fulfill the purpose of confidentiality. Below are the three best practices we’ve identified when using NDAs.

1. Recognize the responsibility

As a discloser of confidential information, you have a considerable responsibility on your shoulders.
One minor slip up can completely change the course of your business. Even if your intent is positive, it doesn’t exclude you from making mistakes. It’s easy to forget what you should and shouldn’t be saying in different situations.
So if you are responsible for disclosing private information to another party, do so with the utmost care, which brings us to the next point.

2. Be pre-emptive

If you have an upcoming meeting with a stakeholder that requires them to sign an NDA at some point in the conversation, get the agreement sorted before you commence the session.
This will at least cover you for any information you disclose for the rest of the conversation. If you don’t get the receiver to sign first thing, you risk sharing sensitive information that’s not protected by your NDA. Or you may get carried away in conversation and forget to use the document all-together!

3. Standardize your agreement

If you pull apart any business, you’ll quickly be overwhelmed by every element that is deemed confidential. We’re talking about the hiring process, product development, sales figures, customer notes, conflicts in human resources, the list goes on and on.
It would be an ineffective use of time to create a new non-disclosure agreement for every relevant situation in your business when dealing with potential receivers.
We suggest you develop a standard non-disclosure agreement template that covers the core operations of your business that need to remain confidential. That way, you can use the same document over and over again, knowing that you’re covered.
Of course, you want to make sure that you regularly review your confidentiality agreement template to ensure it includes all of your most up-to-date business practices.
Our template includes a non-disclosure agreement sample for your perusal.

Grab a copy of our non-disclosure agreement template

For many organizations, non-disclosure agreements are used all the time, as they try to keep sensitive information confidential.
We’ve gone ahead and created a confidentiality agreement form that scales as your business grows.
Click below to download our free template
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about our Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements are often used interchangeably. However, depending on the context of your organization, there can certainly be a distinction between the two contracts.
A confidentiality agreement is most commonly used with employees to maintain the confidentiality of internal business practices proactively.
A non-disclosure agreement, on the other hand, is mostly used with external stakeholders who are required to keep internal practices confidential.
Yes, a non-disclosure agreement is a legally binding contract with signed signatures from both disclosing and receiving parties.
Most non-disclosure agreements are perpetual—meaning that they never expire. However, depending on the situation, some arrangements may include a stated time limit.
So when the receiving party passes the stated time limit, they are no longer bound to the terms of the non-disclosure agreement.
As a non-disclosure agreement is a legally binding contract, the consequences of breaching can be severe.
If a breach can be proved, the discloser could pursue a lawsuit against the receiver to claim damages for the loss or even perform a court order.
Yes, you can technically tell someone you signed a non-disclosure agreement. However, you can’t share any information about the contents of the NDA.
It’s often advised to avoid telling third-parties you’ve signed an NDA to avoid putting yourself at risk.
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Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

Non-Disclosure Agreement Template


– This Non-Disclosure Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on ______________ (the “Effective Date”), by and between __________________________, with an address of ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Disclosing Party”) and __________________________ with an address of (hereinafter referred to as the “Receiving Party”) (collectively referred to as the “Parties”).

Confidential Information

– The Receiving Party agrees not to disclose, copy, clone, or modify any confidential information related to the Disclosing Party and agrees not to use any such information without obtaining consent.
– “Confidential information” refers to any data and/or information that is related to the Disclosing Party, in any form, including, but not limited to, oral or written. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, any information related to the business or industry of the Disclosing Party, such as discoveries, processes, techniques, programs, knowledge bases, customer lists, potential customers, business partners, affiliated partners, leads, know-how, or any other services related to the Disclosing Party.

Return Of Confidential Information

– The Receiving Party agrees to return all the confidential information to the Disclosing Party upon the termination of this Agreement.


– This Agreement is not transferable and may only be transferred by written consent provided by both Parties.

Governing Law

– This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ______________.

Signature And Date

– The Parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and such is demonstrated by their signatures below:
Disclosing Party
Name: ______________________
Signature: ___________________
Date: _______________________
Receiving Party
Name: ______________________
Signature: ___________________
Date: _______________________

Grab a copy of our non-disclosure agreement contracts

For many organizations, non-disclosure agreements are used all the time, as they try to keep sensitive information confidential.
We’ve gone ahead and created a confidentiality agreement form that scales as your business grows.
Click below to download our free template
Download Non-Disclosure Agreement Doc
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