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Free Hold Harmless Agreement Template

Limiting wide-ranging liability exposure from third-party activities is crucial for organizations of all types. A hold harmless agreement legally transfers responsibility for potential bodily injury and property damage claims.

This pre-built hold harmless agreement template equips businesses to swiftly implement reliable protection protocols to inform participants of inherent risks ahead of transactions while safeguarding owners.

Expertly crafted agreements motivate expanded public offerings and accelerate growth by eliminating restrictive legal hurdles. 

What is a Hold Harmless Agreement?

A hold harmless agreement legally absolves one party from responsibility for injuries, damages, or losses arising from a specified action or business function. It transfers liability obligations to another willing party upfront.

Common examples include:

  • Construction companies have subcontractors sign these agreements to handle liability claims stemming from participation on job sites before work begins
  • Building owners require tenants to sign them to cover injuries from voluntary use of gyms, pools, and other amenities
  • Events firms use them so venues or sponsors don’t get sued if attendees experience incidents during participation
  • Manufacturers have partners, distributors, and promotional agencies assume all product responsibility
  • Healthcare providers limit malpractice accountability by patients when providing voluntary cosmetic procedures

Any transaction allowing access, services, or functions could foreseeably trigger bodily harm. A hold harmless agreement then legally shifts ownership of this risk, regardless of fault, to willing external parties. That acceptance shields asset owners from providing goodwill offerings since users understand it’s at their discretion. This expanded access happens without constant lawsuit fears hanging overhead for businesses.

Review the agreement template below to craft a custom hold harmless agreement for your unique interactions.

When to Use a Hold Harmless Agreement Template

A hold harmless agreement template is handy when one party needs legal protection from liability claims and losses stemming from third-party participation. For example, hold harmless agreements are commonly used when hiring contractors, leasing equipment, allowing external usage of facilities, and conducting events with attendees onsite.

Specifically, organizations and businesses would use this agreement when any outside individual or other entity participates in activities occurring on owned properties or during sponsored events that could foreseeably directly or indirectly result in bodily injury or property damage claims. Requiring upfront hold harmless protection formally ensures the external party legally assumes all inherent risks from their voluntary participation.

The template below simplifies creating a properly customized hold harmless agreement without requiring deep legal expertise. Users can conveniently edit key fields to accurately detail unique situations requiring liability protection and customize various standard clauses to match needs. 

This pre-built document eliminates the need to manually write specialty contracts repetitively from scratch each time. Instead, asset owners can easily enable reliable legal protection through standardized templates that are fast, efficient, and legally enforceable when completed and executed correctly.

So, for any engagement allowing access or involvement by external parties in business functions, securing mutually signed hold harmless acceptance should become standard operating procedure. Get started now using the template below!

What to Include in a Hold Harmless Agreement

Crafting a legally binding hold harmless agreement requires certain key sections to establish protections.

Party Details

Naming the involved parties using full legal names, addresses, and contact information correctly identifies those entering the agreement. Listing email addresses and phone numbers ensures prompt notifications regarding contract changes or liability claim considerations. Defining organizational leadership titles adds further validation.

General Contract Details

This section oversees foundational agreement tenants, including the exact date executed, relevant local governmental body, overarching intentions, applicable circumstances, and clear definitions of legally qualifying key terminology used throughout the document. Ensuring careful general contract details prevents potential unspecified loopholes weakening the protective clauses.

Hold Harmless Situation Description

Specifying the exact scenarios, activities, durations, locations, business functions, and interparty relationships requiring one group to hold the other harmless sets clear sue-proof parameters around the requested legal liability coverage. Descriptions should scope risk transfers as narrowly as feasible to activities directly controlled by asset owners to prevent overreaching requirements on external parties that may invalidate contracts.

However, adequately shielding business interests depends on reasonably including a breadth of potential actions preceding foreseeable incidents. Language should demonstrate attempts to provide protection solely from risks introduced by enabling involved party contributions or exposure.

Exceptions to Agreement

Thoughtfully explicitly stating unique situations not requiring hold harmless coverage helps narrowly define the protective scope without overreaching. Typical carve-out scenarios include pre-existing bodily conditions or property damages not directly stemming from activities specified in the agreement parameters, prior incidents predating newly defined partnerships, or misconduct involving proven willful negligence or noncompliance with written safety policies.

Additional Terms (As Needed)

Custom extra agreement clauses strengthen protections even further when exceptional circumstances arise. These may commonly involve requiring specific minimum insurance policies from participating parties to guarantee financial backup for paying judgments, specifying how to recover reasonable attorneys fees and claim-associated expenses if liability disputes officially arise, adding mutual obligations around formally notifying all other involved parties as soon as possible when actual incidents occur, setting reasonable caps on maximum liability coverage amounts based on program budgets, requiring specific releases or waivers directly from individual participants in some public-facing high-risk scenarios, and more. Carefully tailoring additional terms establishes accountability.

Modification, Amendment, & Termination

Explicit clauses comfortably define how involved contracted parties can mutually agree to officially alter, amend, or entirely terminate the active hold harmless agreement and provide helpful ongoing control over evolving business needs on both sides. Maintaining open communication channels regarding significant proposed changes before executing them prevents potential misunderstandings. Reasonable modification protocols ensure continued relevance.


Formal printed names and signatures of all parties with dates lock in acceptance of all hold harmless terms. Following legal e-signature protocols speeds execution. Digital tools like Signaturely enable seamless online signing using secure encrypted technology.

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Hold Harmless Agreement Template

We’ve got your back here at Signaturely, and we’re ready to help make stress-free contracts a reality. Forget the confusing paperwork and overwhelming legal jargon – get easy, breezy contract templates in minutes with our free template.

Click that download button now and get those wheels spinning!

Do You Need a Hold Harmless Agreement?

In most contracts, indemnification or hold harmless clauses already exist that require one party to assume liability risks related to the deal. So separate hold harmless agreements are only necessary for engagements involving heightened bodily injury risks not covered by those standard clauses.

For example, businesses that open facilities for public use, hire contractors doing hazardous work, or hold events allowing third-party participation often use standalone hold harmless agreement templates. This added legal protection safeguards owners against negligence claims for incidents stemming from voluntary activities that attendees willingly engage in.

Without express hold harmless coverage stipulating that participants take on all inherent risks, companies risk expensive litigation, settlements, and legal judgments even when reasonable care is taken on their end. So, while a standard business contract features some protections, riskier player-involved transactions warrant dedicated coverage through a separate hold harmless document to manage exposure.

Review the template below to quickly add airtight protection for unique use cases potentially subjecting your business to legal action or liability according to local statutes. The proper preparation with Signaturely ensures you safely conduct all public-facing interactions.

What Is the Difference Between Hold Harmless Agreement and Indemnification?

While a hold harmless agreement and indemnity agreement clauses serve similar liability-limiting functions in contracts, some key differences exist in their structures.

Indemnification involves one party financially compensating the other for legal judgments or claims. This reimbursement happens after damages occur per prefixed stipulations to make the other party whole.

Conversely, a hold harmless clause proactively assumes liability upfront for potential future claims arising from specified actions, relieving the other party entirely. Rather than repaying later, the accepting party agrees to shoulder all responsibility beforehand, regardless of fault.

A hold harmless agreement takes effect preemptively, with one party agreeing to take on all risk for the activities, property usage, services, or participation described within the document’s text. An indemnity agreement outlines repayment protocols after some incident instead. Many contracts feature both clauses to reinforce protections.

Ultimately, hold harmless better prevents lawsuits since it legally exempts one group from responsibility within defined bounds. Indemnity enables recouping losses after such legal action directly targetsthe other party. Understanding these nuances helps craft comprehensive protection.

Benefits of Using a Hold Harmless Agreement

Utilizing hold harmless agreements delivers significant value and protection, including:

  • Legally transfers liability for bodily/property damage from your business to external parties
  • Sets proper expectations around risk acceptance ahead of transactions
  • Reduces chances of lawsuits since participants can’t allege negligence
  • Limits settlement costs and legal fee expenses even if claims arise
  • Grants business owners the freedom to allow external participation in events/services by eliminating frivolous legal exposure
  • Simplifies underwriting processes for obtaining insurance policies covering involvement by outside parties on your properties or during activities
  • Prevents hassles dealing with outside attorneys as airtight coverage is predetermined
  • Accelerates external transactions by instantly providing coverage through prebuilt templates rather than awaiting custom contract drafting.

In addition, carefully crafted hold harmless agreements have several indirect benefits:

  • Motivate partners to implement robust safety protocols and staff supervision, realizing they shoulder incidents
  • Allow focusing resources on excellent program delivery versus legal budget reserves
  • Impress customers by showcasing commitment to safety and education on inherent risks
  • Highlight social responsibility, minimizing liability transferred to participants

With the correct frameworks in place, hold harmless agreements furnish indispensable tools enabling controlled progress forward. Signaturely’s hold harmless agreement template helps implement reliable coverage quickly.

How to Create a Hold Harmless Agreement With Signaturely

The easiest way to generate an airtight hold harmless agreement is to use Signaturely’s free online hold harmless agreement template.

With Signaturely, you can quickly customize liability clauses, automatically format documents with your branding, enable seamless e-signatures, and securely manage agreements through one intuitive platform.

Built-in features like real-time tracking, reminders, and easy collaboration make formally defining risk-transferring partnerships simple, efficient, and legally binding.

You can forget about stressing over complex legal terminology or paying attorneys unnecessary fees to initiate essential outside engagements protected by hold harmless stipulations.

Instantly craft a custom hold harmless agreement with Signaturely’s robust workflows in minutes. Expert support teams also stand by to help customize more sophisticated agreements involving high-risk transactions.

Get started with Signaturely’s easy-to-use hold harmless agreement template below!

FAQs About Hold Harmless Agreements

Covering common questions helps provide clarity around crafting an effective hold harmless agreement.

How do you write a simple hold harmless agreement?

Just detail the participant’s information, activity scope, liability transfer specifics, governing applicable law, signatures/dates, and critical areas like modifications, terminations, and notifications. Signaturely simplifies customized alignments.

What is an example of a hold harmless agreement?

Typical examples involve recreational businesses having customers sign them when voluntarily using amenities, construction companies requiring subcontractors to assume risks for participation, or sponsors mandating teams agree to them when allowing facility access for tournaments.

What is the standard hold harmless clause?

It typically explicitly states that one party will not legally pursue the other party for financial damages resulting from covered claims or lawsuits stemming from injuries or losses arising out of defined involvement under specified circumstances. Our template furnishes standard protective verbiage.

Do hold harmless agreements need to be notarized?

Not usually – contract law views signatures as parties indicating understanding and acceptance of provisions. But certain real estate transactions, high liability cases, or legal frameworks in specific federal and state courts can sometimes necessitate notarial seals for added validity. Seek qualified advice to confirm.

This high-level perspective makes crafting quality coverage smoother when leveraging compliant templates. Signaturely delivers quick education and agreements to enable productivity.

What You Need to Remember About a Hold Harmless Agreement Template

Comprehensive hold harmless templates furnish turnkey solutions to fully mitigate prospective legal action targeting business owners from negligence claims linked to external engagement on properties or during events.

Swiftly implement front-end risk transfers without overpaying attorneys or delaying progress. Cover all bases legally while enabling worry-free offerings benefiting all sides. Signaturely streamlines the rollout of airtight clauses customized strictly for unique use cases in minutes. 

This template can clarifystatutory assumptions of liability tied precisely to defined involvement scopes specified in agreements. Accelerate partnerships knowing expert guidance protects around current regulations.

From there, focus on delivering offerings safely, not legal semantics. Mind risks diligently but enables progress unburdened by constantly revisiting tedious documents with Signaturely’s robust template.

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Free Hold Harmless Agreement Template



  • This Supply Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on ________________ (the “Effective Date”), by and between ________________________, with an address of ________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”) and ________________with an address of ________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) (collectively referred to as the “Parties”).


  • The Supplier shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Buyer, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising out of or related to the Supplier’s products, services, or actions under this Agreement, except to the extent such claims arise from the Buyer’s own negligence or willful misconduct. The Supplier shall promptly notify the Buyer of any claims or actions covered by this clause and shall provide all necessary information and assistance for the Buyer’s defense.


  • The Parties hereby represent and warrant that they each have full authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform all obligations herein. Each Party acknowledges that they have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and that they enter into it freely and willingly, without coercion or duress. Furthermore, each Party acknowledges that they have had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice regarding the terms of this Agreement if they so desired, and that they are entering into this Agreement knowingly and voluntarily.


  • Any waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach. No failure or delay by either Party in exercising any right, power, or privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege. All waivers must be in writing and signed by the Party waiving its rights.


  • Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon [insert notice period] written notice to the other Party for any reason. The terminating Party shall provide written notice specifying the effective date of termination.
  • The Parties shall cooperate to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities, including the transfer of any necessary assets, accounts, or materials. Additionally, both Parties shall promptly return any property or Confidential Information belonging to the other Party. Termination shall not affect any rights or obligations accrued prior to the effective date of termination.


  • Party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations under this Agreement due to circumstances beyond their reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, government actions, natural disasters, or epidemics. If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the affected Party shall promptly notify the other Party and make reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact. The affected Party’s obligations shall be suspended during the Force Majeure Event, and the time for performance shall be extended accordingly. If the Force Majeure Event continues for [insert duration], either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party.


  • The Parties agree that this Agreement, prior to its termination, is subject to renewal provided that both parties submit a signed addendum agreeing to the renewal.


  • The Parties agree that any amendments made to this Agreement must be in writing where they must be signed by both Parties to this Agreement.

  • As such, any amendments made by the Parties will be applied to this Agreement.


  • In an event where any provision of this Agreement is found to be void and unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining provisions will remain to be enforced in accordance with the Parties’ intention.


  • Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to [insert means] (Arbitration/mediation/negotiation) in accordance with, and subject to the laws of [insert applicable law].


  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert applicable law].


  • The Parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and such is demonstrated throughout their signatures below:
















Download Our Free Harmless Agreement Template Today

Don’t waste any more time trying to craft the perfect hold harmless agreement template. Our simple hold harmless agreement template is ready and ready to download in one quick, convenient click—no more complicated documents for you or your clients to fill out.

Just download, customize, and off you go!

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