Simple, and Legally-Binding Electronic Signatures

Looking for the simplest way to get online signatures?
Upload and sign documents in minutes
Signaturely makes it easy to get online signatures. There’s no need to download any apps or install any software. Simply start your free 7-day trial and get your documents signed right now! You can upload all your PDF and Microsoft Word documents from your computer or transfer them from your cloud. Then, use Signaturely’s editor to set up your document, get it ready to sign, and if needed, add your own signature electronically. Finally, you can set up your signing order, write a customized message, and send your document to your signees. It’s as easy as that.
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Legally binding signatures
Electronic signatures
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FAQs on Electronic Signature Solutions
Digital signatures are the electronic form of handwritten signatures and are a way for users to sign documents online. These signatures allow users to sign documents digitally from anywhere. The process involves requesting signatures from other users and receiving signed contracts and documents.
Digital signatures also make it simple to keep track of documents and easily access an audit trail to prove the validity of contracts
Electronic signature software is designed to cover all online document signing needs. These programs allow users to create their own signatures, edit online documents, request signatures, and manage their existing documents.
E-signature tools allow users to collect and consolidate multiple documents and document formats into a single place. From there, documents can easily be edited and sent out to be signed. These tools often feature special document workflows to establish the order in which multiple people should sign the same document. They’ll also save all signed documents and send signature requests, among other features.
Electronic signatures are legally binding in many countries, including in the United States. E-signature platforms record a digital timestamp for each signature. This timestamp is used to prove ownership of the electronic signature, making it legally binding.
Thanks to the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (a.k.a. E-Sign Act), electronic signatures are completely legal and binding, and can even be used in court. You can find out if electronic signatures are legally binding in your country here.
Yes. Since they rely on public and private keys, digital signatures are protected by powerful algorithms that make them very secure. Unlike wet signatures, which can easily be forged, digital signatures are protected by multiple layers of encryption, and can be more reliable and easier to prove than traditional signatures.
Documents can be locked upon receiving the first signature or upon being sent as part of a signature request. This makes the electronic document impossible to modify.